Completed Projects

Lincoln Cemetery, Mechanicsburg, PA
African American Cemetery is located on Winding Hill Road across from the Chestnut Hill Cemetery. Thus far the earliest day found of its existence is 1862. The Cemetery consists of men from the Cumberland County United States Colored Troop (USCT) who fought during the Civil War. Also buried in the there are several African Americans from the Mechanicsburg and Harrisburg area. The project culminated in the completion of Documentation of Eligibility to the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) for the National Register of Historic Places. SHPO determined that it is eligible for the National Register. I worked in partnership with Dr. Steve Burg, History professor at Shippensburg University.

Allenberry Resort, Boiling Springs, PA

Researched the Crockett, Beltzhoover, Bosler, and Sadler families who owned Allenberry at various times from the 18th to the early 20th centuries. Documented the history and shared it with the current owners of Allenberry.